

ACTS OF CONFERENCE: parish archives between history and new technologies

Friday 21 and Saturday 22 June, Bergamo, Seminario Vescovile Beato “Giovanni XXIII” – via Arena 11.

The convention, organised by the Diocese of Bergamo in collaboration with the Diocesan Archives, Bergamo’s State archives, the Lombardy Regional Archives Superintendant and the Liberal Arts Department of the University of Bergamo, represents an educational and refresher event for those who already work or who would like to work in the field of church archives.

The conference was about some of the most problems that involve the parish archives: the complex management of the current archive computerization, storage (particularly in the case of parishes suppressed or exceptional events such as the recent earthquakes) to the consultation, the ever-present conflict of interest between the research and protection of confidentiality. It also provided useful feedback to students, teachers and researchers to a better approach to the local church archives as sources for a number of historical paths and educational purposes.

The proposal, with especially practical nature, has alternated: short reports to workshops in which, according to the interests of the participants was possible to investigate, under the guidance of specialists on the subject, the issues analyzed.

Published reports of the conference, edited by R. Pezzola – V. Vitali, on the newsletter of the SAN (National Archival System) n ° 19 of 17/09/2013. To view the text. click here


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VENERDI’ 21 Giugno

9.30Gli archivi ecclesiastici in Italia – Mons Stefano Russo (Ufficio Beni Ecclesiastici della CEI)

10.00 – L’archivio parrocchiale in formazione: gestione, fruizione e privacy – Paola Carucci (Archivio Storico della Presidenza della Repubblica)

11.00 – WORKSHOP

14.30L’archivio storico: conservazione e tutela Maurizio Savoja (Soprintendenza Archivistica per la Lombardia)

15.30 – WORKSHOP

SABATO 22 Giugno

9.30Archivi parrocchiali come sistema: gli strumenti informatici per la descrizione, la ricerca, il sensus EcclesiaeFrancesca Cavazzana Romanelli (Archivio Storico Patriarcale di Venezia)

11.00 – WORKSHOP

14.30Per una valorizzazione delle fonti nominative ecclesiastiche: dal battesimo all’albero geneticoCasimira Grandi (Università degli Studi di Trento-Seminario permanente nomi e memorie Archivio Diocesano Tridentino)

15.30 – WORKSHOP


Scarica il programma del Convegno in Pdf

Scarica la locandina dell’evento in Pdf


Con l’Alto Patronato del Presidente della Repubblica:


Con il Patrocinio di:



28 Maggio 2010 – Convegno Mensa Vescovile sec. X-XV

28 Maggio 2009 – Convegno Visite Pastorali

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