Our diocesan documentary patrimony takes up approximately 1 km of shelving and includes important discoveries regarding the bishop’s offices and other ecclesiastical institutions of the diocese contiguous to them: “Mensa Vescovile”, the Ecclesiastical Court, the Cathedral Chapter, as well as other discoveries such as the Noble Grumelli Pedrocca Archive that of Castle Gromo. The archives of some associations or individual priests or lay people such as Nicolò Rezzara, Monsignor Francesco Vistalli, Don Giuseppe Rota and Engineer Elia Fornoni, are also part of our diocesan archival patrimony. The archives of the Cathedral Parish of St. Alexander (made only in 1805 and incorporating former city parishes such as San Lorenzo, San Pancrazio, San Cassiano, St. Michele all’Arco, Sant ‘Eufemia, San Salvatore) also form part of the archival ensemble, along with those of Sant’Agata al Carmine (finished in 1966). Attached to the latter, those of the “Consorzio della Fabbrica del Duomo” and the “Consorzio di San Lorenzo.”
Other series and even some individual documents, from other parishes, monasteries or diocesan bodies, committed to the bishop’s care also form part of the ensemble. The scrolls of the parish of Santa Grata inter vites, the famous hymnology of the monastery of Santa Grata in Columnellis and that of the military hospital of Clementina are also to be found in the archives. To see all these elements in greater depth, please refer to the computerized database, accessible in the computer study room.
Please find below the structure of the findings and their internal organization for the series.

16th century [first half] – 20th century [first half]
The archives of the Bishopric of Bergamo are made up of the papers produced –in a passive and an active sense – by the offices (i.e. the central office for diocesan pastoral government employed by the bishop), in particular, the papers relating to financial assets within its jurisdiction (voluntary and extra-judicial) and to that of the Bishop’s Court. Depending on the number of practices, the latter had its sections, which often took the form of specific offices, found in some archival series that make up this particular finding.
Benefici, iuspatronati, commende – [1537 – 1722], 8 registri
Biografie di sacerdoti – [1854 – 1879], 9 buste
Certificazione per ordinazioni – [1803 – 1853], 16 buste
Collegi, Seminario e Istituti di formazione – [1528 – 1722], 35 registri
Corrispondenza con il Capitolo – [sec. XVI seconda metà – sec. XX primo quarto], 58 pezzi
Corrispondenza con Istituti ed enti religiosi esistenti – [sec. XVI seconda metà – sec. XX prima metà], 124 buste
Corrispondenza con monasteri e conventi soppressi -[sec. XVI metà circa – sec. XIX prima metà], 36 buste
Damnationes fiscales – [1578 – 1617], 2 registri
Dispense matrimoniali – [1527 – 1934], 43 ml
Dispense per ordinazioni – [1731 – 1818], 3 buste
Duplicati registri canonici – [1816 – 1934], 770 buste
Examina ordinandorum – [1709-1792], 13 registri
Fideiussioni sacerdoti extra-diocesani – [1670 – 1797], 35 registri
Incardinazioni ed escardinazioni – [1666 – sec. XX seconda metà], 10 buste
Lettere pastorali – [1445 – 1909], 13 volumi
Lettere pastorali di Diocesi italiane e straniere – [1824- 1944], 9 buste
Licentiae – [1552 – 1693], 6 registri
Materiale fotografico – [1906 – 1975], 14 buste
Patrimoni ecclesiastici – [1520 – 1925], 87 buste
Personali sacerdoti – [sec. XVI seconda metà – sec. XX prima metà], 12 buste
Protocolli generali -[1823- 1934], 108 registri
Registri ordinazioni – [1522- sec. XX prima metà], 21 registri
Santa Sede e Congregazioni romane – [sec. XVII terzo quarto – sec. XIX primo quarto], 18 buste
Sinodi diocesani – [1304 – 1952], 10 buste
Stati del clero – [1734 – 1945], 74 buste
Vescovi diocesani – [sec. XVII seconda metà- sec. XX primo quarto], 200 buste
Visite ad limina apostolorum – [1660 – 1916], 1 busta
[1520-1940] – 159 pezzi. La serie storica (1520-1929) è digitalizzata e disponibile alla consultazione con i pc della sala studio. Invece gli atti della prima Visita Pastorale del vescovo Adriano Bernareggi (1934-1940), sono conservati in 25 buste, che conservano la numerazione originale (da 160 a 182bis) data al momento di una riorganizzazione dell’intera serie delle Visite Pastorali, compiuta probabilmente negli anni Sessanta, al termine della visita del vescovo Piazzi. I fascicoli relativi alle parrocchie della diocesi, che costituiscono la parte più consistente della documentazione, sono raccolti secondo la vicaria di appartenenza, e le vicarie sono disposte nei faldoni in ordine alfabetico.
Clicca qui per scaricare l’indice analitico.
Visite vicariali – [sec. XVI fine- sec. XX primo quarto], 18 buste
16th century [ beginning (first decade) ] – 20th century [ first half ]
The archival collection of the Ecclesiastical Court – which is an important part of the ‘backbone’ of the bishop’s archives regarding judicial matters – is made up of a large and diverse amount of material. The bishop’s ecclesiastical court, of medieval origin, took on major importance with the Council of Trent, as it was to deal with all cases “forum ecclesiasticum quomodolibet pertinentes, etiam si beneficiales sint” (sess. XXIV, cap. XX de reform.). Over time, the competences of the latter institution were expressed with ever greater precision, so much so that separate sections were created to deal with the various matters in hand. For example, the section dealing with judicial functions was entrusted with the oversight of the Officer’s Tribunal. Administrative functions, on the other hand, were devolved to the Vicar General. The subjects covered by the Ecclesiastical Court were very different athough they may nonetheless be divided into two broad categories: contentious cases (civil or criminal) and questions regarding the Causes of Saints and more purely spiritual matters. These sections of the archives deal span from the start of 16th century to the present day. They make up a large and composite collection of documents, including four documentary series: three relating to the first sector and a very large part of papers to the second.
Actorum Civilium – [1490 – sec. XVIII (ultimo decennio)], 102 filze
Vacchette – [1528 – 1722], 35 registri
Cause civili e criminali – [1574 – 1956] – 9 buste
Cause dei Santi – [sec. XVII metà circa – sec. XX terzo quarto] – 300 pezzi
10th century [the third quarter] – 19th century [end (last decade)]
The “Mensa Vescovile” section contains documentation regarding land ownership and various legal rights enjoyed by the Bishop. Series including: 1) “Diplomata seu Iura Episcopatus”: parchment found and organized by Abbot Pietro Antonio Uccelli in 1850. There documents provide summaries of acts in Latin and are arranged acording to geographical areas, tending generally to correspond to the cure documented by the “Rotulum Episcopatus Bergomi” in 1258. 2) “Rotulum Episcopatus Bergomi” (cartulario) of the 1258 mutilated codex. 3) “Censuali” records of the letting rents and census as paid to Bishop, arranged chronologically (XIV-XVIII), also including typologically different material. 4) The most recent paper documentation (administration of certain holdings from the 16th to 19th century) described with inventory summary by V. Marchetti (1990).
[975-1590], 188 pergamene. Si tratta di un fondo che contiene privilegi e contratti riguardanti le proprietà fondiarie e i diritti di esenzione di varia natura spettanti al vescovado. Gli atti ivi presenti sono di diversa tipologia (transazioni, investiture, inventari, contratti d’affitto) e coprono un arco cronologico assai esteso.
Clicca qui per scaricare l’inventario analitico.
Rotulum episcopatus Bergomi – [1258], 1 volume.
[sec. XIV – sec. XVIII], 31 pezzi. Diplomi imperiali, donazioni, compravendite, permute documentano sin dall’VIII-IX secolo la formazione del grande patrimonio del Vescovo di Bergamo, distribuito in vari luoghi della Diocesi. Dopo la trasformazione in signorie, domini territoriali, alla fine del Medioevo fu necessario un grande lavoro negli archivi per ritrovare le carte che attestavano proprietà e diritti del Vescovo, e per riorganizzarne la gestione. Vennero così compilati i registri noti come Libri Censuali.
Clicca qui per scaricare l’inventario
- Amministrazione – [sec. XVI – sec. XIX], 50 buste.
8th century [ the second half] – 19th century [ first half ]
Bergamo Cathedral Chapter already existed in the Middle Ages and enjoyed generous privileges. The Canons shared the vita communis and had the obligation of singing the office in the cathedral choir, electing the Bishop, assisting him by their counsel, and of governing the diocese during an episcopal vacance de siege. The archives of the Cathedral Chapter were indeed those of the Bishop’s offices “ante litteram.” The main sections were as follows: the documentary section(containing the practices regarding the administration of the Chapter in 1264), the parchment section (comprising the oldest document of the archives: an imperial privilege of the Lombard Emperor Astolfo dating back to 740) and the library section with fifteen manuscripts and some incunabula.
Sezione Documentaria – [1264 – sec. XIX prima metà], 1040 buste
Sezione Pergamenacea – [740 – 1830], 4871 pergamene
Sezione Libraria – [sec. XI – sec. XVIII], 56 pezzi
[sec. XIX fine – metà sec. XX], 168 buste. Il fondo contiene una ricca documentazione sull’attività sociale dei cattolici di Bergamo e più in generale in Italia nell’ultimo quarto del sec. XIX e nei primi decenni del XX.
Clicca qui per scaricare l’inventario sommario.
Francesco Vistalli – [sec. XIX ultimo quarto – sec. XX metà], 24 buste
Giuseppe Rota – [sec. XVI – sec. XX], 9 buste
Grumelli-Pedrocca – [sec. XIII – sec. XX], 168 buste
Elia Fornoni – [sec. XIX prima metà – sec. XX prima metà], 94 quaderni
- Pergamene Ambiveri [1400 – 1601], 12 pezzi
- Pergamene Scarpa [1292 – 1716], 50 pezzi
- Pergame Zineroni (parte di archivio familiare, acquisite attorno al 1930) [1354 – 1881], 24 pezzi
- Pergamene S. Grata inter vites (dal relativo archivio parrocchiale, acquisite nel 1935) [sec. XII – sec. XVI], 95 pezzi. Si tratta di un piccolo fondo di pergamene che risulta di un certo interesse, poichè pur provenendo da un archivio parrocchiale, conserva documenti molto antichi. L’Indice comprende sia i pezzi conservati nell’Archivio Storico Diocesano, sia pezzi ora conservati presso la Biblioteca Civica “Angelo Mai”. Clicca qui per scaricare l’inventario analitico.
- Collezione Mons. Pietro Carrara (acquisita nel 1982) [sec. XIII – sec. XIX], 106 pezzi
- Pergamene del Castello di Gromo – [sec. XV – sec. XVI], 23 pergamene. Collezione diplomatica che si compone di pezzi membranacei raccolti in 2 faldoni (fald.1 = nn. 1-14; fald.2 = nn. 15-23) abbastanza omogenei, quanto a persone, luoghi e ambito cronologico. I docc. 1 -3 sono attribuibili all’archivio del Consorzio di S.Alessandro e S.Leonardo in Bergamo. Clicca qui per scaricare l’inventario analitico.